COMEDI Oscilloscope: comedirecord
Shows data and saves it to disk. The data can be imported into scilab, octave and openoffice. Designed for the USB-DUX-D and USB-DUX-sigma. It can run with more than one USBDUX board and save the data into one file.
In contrast to comedirecord QTscope displays data in separate windows which can contain different plots, for example x/t or x/y. Data is acquired in bursts so that acquistion can be performed at high sampling rates without buffer overflows.
Similar to comedirecord but written for the KDE desktop by Frank Mori Hess. Is part of many distributions.
Electrochemical Tool Kit (ECTk)
USBDUX programming examples
These are simple programming examples for the USBDUX board for analogue in, analogue out, digital out, PWM and testing. These demos will compile with any recent UBUNTU distribution.
USBDUXsigma programming examples
These are simple programming examples for the USBDUXsigma board for analogue in, analogue out, PWM and digital I/O.
USBDUXfast programming example
This is simple programming example for the USBDUXfast board for fast asynchronous acquisition.
IIR filter library
This is a fast filter library written in C++ designed for realtime processing: Bessel, Butterworth, Chebyshev and other classical filters as lowpass-, highpass-, bandstop or bandpass-filters of any order. Comedirecord is using this library to filter out 50Hz in realtime.
Comedi to PureData
Analoge DAQ input for the real time audio processor PureData.
USB DUX users: please us your application!