USB DUX SIGMA: Technical Specification
- USB 2.0 only
- Comedi Driver:
- Asynchronous sampling. This means that sampling can be performed in the background while the main application is doing something else (see comedi's "cmd").
- Power supply via the USB, no external supply required.
- Electrically isolated analogue input and output stage.
- Asynchronous acquisition holds for up to 16 USB devices (subject to resources/ processor speed).
A/D converter
- 16 channels
- 24 bit resolution
- Single ended
- Input range: -1.325V. . . +1.325V
- Input resistance: > 1G
- Sampling rate (asynchronously in the background):
1 or 2 channels at once: 4kHz, 3..8 channels at once: 2kHz, 16 channels at once: 1kHz
- The single analogue read is implemented as high preceision acquisition command (2ms acquisition time).
D/A converter
- 4 channels
- 8 bit resolution
- Output range unipolar: 0. . . 2.5V
- Max output current: 1mA
- 250us reaction time for one channel (2 USB frames)
- Asynchronous waveform generation with max 8kHz sampling rate
24 bit digital I/O
- Response time for digital out: 125-250us (one-two USB frames)
- Response time for digital in: 500us (4 USB frames)
- Direction is programmable via comedi
- Four channel PWM option available for motor control
Connectivity: USBDUX-SIGMA
- Female 44 pin high density D connector electrically isolated for analogue I/O with +/-5V supply.
- Female 15 pin D connector for the digital I/O.
Physical Dimensions
- Enclosure: 144x90x30mm
- Board: 136x80x15mm